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rock bottom n.,adj.巖底(的);最底下(的);底細,底蘊,真相...

rock brake

Meantime , please note that we studied your range of products and we are interestsed to start sales of your products to our customer in iran , but considering the fact that we can only cooperate with your company on an exclusive basis and taking into account that chinese companies may not give us representation we would like to inform you that we are ready to start promotion of your prodocts in our market , but will send our enquires to our office in shanghai and they will contact you to obtion your rock bottom offers and then we will make the offers to our costomers through our company and once the orther are placed with us through our clients we will supply your productsts our customers 同時,我司研究了貴司的產品范圍,我司對貴司的產品非常感興趣,并希望能夠將貴司的產品推銷給我們在伊朗的客商,但是考慮到我司必須得到貴司產品在伊朗的唯一經營權,而中方公司可能無法派送代表,我司特此通知貴司,我們隨時準備在伊朗推銷貴司產品,但是我們會將詢盤發送到我們的滬辦,他們會負責與貴司聯系接洽,對于此類詢盤,請貴司報出你們的最低價,我們在得到報價后會及時反饋給我們伊朗國內的客商,一旦客戶下單,我們將安排從貴司訂貨發運至伊朗。

My dear man , it allows the material premiss ; so does the pure mind . exclusively . at least bolshevism has got down to rock bottom , said charlie “但是,親愛的朋友,它卻不反對物質的前提純粹的精神主義也不反對這物質的前提甚至只有這物質的前提它才接受呢。 ”

All right . shall we move together ? we ' ll reduce the price by 7 % on the condition that you increase your order to 20000 metric tons . this is our rock bottom price 這樣吧,我們雙方都作一些讓步,我方降價7 ,你方把定購量升為20000噸。這是我們最低價格了。

Ultimately , customers would most prefer the highest quality , first - class service and rock bottom prices , but it would be foolish for a company to offer these 最終,顧客會喜歡最好的品質、一流的服務和最低的價格,但是一個公司如果提供所有這些是愚蠢的。

Rachel : when i saw him get off that plane with her , i really thought i hit rock bottom . but today , it ' s like there ' s rock bottom , 50 feet of crap , then me 當我看到他與她一起下飛機,我以為我墜人了谷底。但今天是谷底,在我上面還有五十尺厚的垃圾。

A few sundays ago it reached rock bottom when the minister preached his wife , the organist and the two presiding officers for that date 幾星期前牧師向他的妻子、風琴手及兩個主持會務的干事宣講那一天的教義時,會眾的人數降到了最低點。

Dead : if a plant ' s quality has dropped to rock bottom , it ' s dead and the only available interactions are to either throw it away or compost it 死亡:如果植物的質量跌至谷底,它會死亡,唯一可以做的是扔掉或是堆肥。

Kim : i ' m afraid we can ' t . $ 12 . 50 is our rock bottom price . if you purchase more than 10 , 000 units , we can reduce it to $ 12 . 00 恐怕不行, 12 . 50美元是我們的底價。如果你訂貨超過10000件,我們可以減到12 . 00美元。

With jaxp , i can offer a configurable layer for rock bottom xml technology ( such as dom , sax ) 本文通過采用jaxp技術為底層xml技術( dom和sax )的實現提供了一個可配置層。

If you invest now , you will be buying at rock bottom . the shares are at their very lowest today 如果你現在把錢投進去,你將以最低價買進,今天股票行市最低。

B : let ' s meet each other half way . i ' ll drop another 5 % . that ' s definitely my rock bottom price 我們來折中一下吧。我再降5 % 。這絕對是最低價格了。

The nation ' s morale hit rock bottom in the hours following the president ' s assassination 總統遇刺后的數小時內,舉國上下的人心士氣降到了最低點。

Let ' s meet each other half way . i ' ll cut another 5 % . that ' s definitely my rock bottom price 我們來折中一下吧。我再降5 % 。這絕對是最低價格了。

The price for this color tv is rock bottom . i ' d like to show you how it work 這臺彩電的價格現在是最低的,我給你演示一下它的性能。

Sorry , i can only give you a 10 % discount . all our prices are rock bottom 對不起,我只能給你打九折,我們這里的價格是最低的。

I ' ve hit rock bottom 我真是倒霉透了

Let me hit rock bottom 讓我心態歸零!

This is our rock bottom price . we wouldn ' t make any further concessions 這已是我們的最低價,我們不能再讓步了。

You ' ve learned to keep bargaining even if the prices are rock bottom 你會隨時討價還價哪怕價格已經跌到谷地了。